Wednesday, December 17, 2008

National Bankrupcy Day....Again....

More information and links about how you can help in this article....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

National Bankrupcy Day

This is very near and dear to my heart since I do make handmade items for sale...

"February 10, 2009 has been dubbed "national bankruptcy day" because of a new law that will take effect that day. It will require ALL businesses to do lead testing on EVERYTHING that is made for children 12 and under -- even small, artisan businesses.

If you buy or sell handmade toys, clothing, cloth diapers, or babycarriers the following is really important information for you. As of February 10th, 2009 ALL items sold in the US that are meant for children 12 years and younger will be required to have third-party lead testing done by the manufacturer. This sounds great in theory since we all want to protect our children, right? This law will only force small businesses to close (or operate illegally) when the problem lies with large companies making cheap items in foreign countries.

DO YOU MAKE OR SELL THESE ITEMS? If you own a small home based business crafting these items, these requirements fall on YOU. You will be required to test each and every component of your items for sale and label them with a batch# and date of manufacture. If you do not comply you will be in violation of federal law and could be subject to fines up to $5,000 . Anything children's items made before this date that are not tested and cerified lead-free are considered banned hazardous waste and cannot be sold after February 10th, 2009. Even if you use materials such as fabric that were tested by their manufacturer not to contain lead, you must still have third party testing done. This is obviously not an option for most artisan businesses! Please call or write your representatives regarding the new CPSIA legislation that has already passed and will be put into effect in February without any thought for the `little guys'.

DO YOU BUY THESE ITEMS, OR VALUE THE ABILITY TO BUY THEM? Then you need email or write your representatives today as well. If this legislation is not changed to offer some sort of clarification regarding handcrafting businesses in the US, then many if not most of the items I've discussed will no longer be available. No more wood cars crafted by a retired grandpa, no more children's handmade clothing and cloth diapers on Hyena Cart, Etsy and sites that encourage us to buy handmade. I don't know if you feel the same but if I had to choose between a handmade item made by a work at home mom vsa "certified lead-free" item made in China and sold at Target, I'd choose the former.

We must act soon and get some changes made or February 10th will mean the end of the "Buy Handmade" movement! Stand up for small businesses everywhere as this legislation effects each and every one of us, our businesses, our children and even our economy.

Let your representatives know that as much as we value keeping our children safe by testing items for lead, this is the WRONG way to accomplish that.

You can read more about the CPSIA legislation at:;ContentID=6275

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Pirate Party

After a lot of planning and getting the house ready for a ton of kids we had a blast putting on a pirate birthday party for Jacob!

We had a lot of pirate decorations...

A pirate ship cake made by David...

Pirate cupcakes made by me...

and pirate themed games and crafts for the party guests!
The kids played:
  • "Walked The Plank" - I divided them up into two teams for a relay race. I then put a 2x4 down on the floor for each team. Following this was a large box to crawl through...this was "The Cave", then I had tossed out over 100 pieces of pirates gold. The kids had to balance across the planks, crawl through the cave, gather some gold, and go back the way they came and tag the next person on their team! It was a blast!
  • "Pin the Flag on the X" - I gave the kids a small piece of paper and explained that pirates always had their own flag with a special design on it. I gave them crayons and they designed their very own pirate flag. Then we used those flags to play a pirate version of pin the tail on the donkey. David had made a pirate map and we hung it on the wall, blindfolded the kids, spun them around, and let them try to hit the X with their flag! We had a huge tie!
  • "Canon Ball Stomp" - We had blown up a ton of black ballons and used these as our cannonballs. We tied them on the ankles of each child and then they played a game of tag. The object was to protect your own cannonball while trying to pop everyone else's ball!
  • "Treasure hunt" - Before the party started I came up with a list of clues, printed them out on paper, cut them up and placed them all over our yard. We started in the party room and the first clue took them outside. The kids all got their jackets and shoes on and out we the patio, then the mailbox, then the swingset, then the front porch, the a tree in the back yard, then back inside to the sunroom, then the dining room where they hung there coats back up....then back to the party room where my husband had set up the "treasure".... cake, ice cream, and punch!

We even had shark's blood for our punch! To make this I took a punch bowl and had poured 7-up in it. Then with the kids watching I explained that my fruit punch was really sharks blood and I poured that into the 7-up. The punch swirled around like blood and mixed into the pop and then we served it! The kids thought it was great!

It was such a nice day for late November that we played outside after the food and gifts were opened! This was very helpful because they were all ready to go when their parents arrived and I passed out the treat bags for them to take home!