Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've been tagged....Seven Random Facts About Me!

Michelle has tagged me for a MeMe:

Here goes with the list....

  1. I worked at a truck stop for 4 years and then later owned my own trucking company.

  2. I am 4 classes away from getting my MBA but I just don't wanna finish! Although I am still continuing my education. I am taking programming classes right now.

  3. I once worked as a Field Service Office (meter maid).

  4. I love watching the Food Network but I don't really like to cook. Now, if I cooked like they do I would love to cook.

  5. I very much dislike it when people use there, their, and they're incorrectly.

  6. If I could do any job in the world I would be a photographer!

  7. I love to listen to Hall and Oates so much that I wore out my greatest hits cd. David if you are reading this, there is a xmas gift idea for you. :)

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